Saturday, June 13, 2020

Few Grammar Mistakes That Employer Hate To See In Your Resume -

Few Grammar Mistakes That Employer Hate To See In Your Resume UncategorizedWhen the employers in the Middle East hire employees, what is that thing that they look into their profiles? Well, there could be many aspects to put into the consideration but above, all the major ones out of all are the grammar glitches that employers hate to see. Whether you are applying for a position that requires a lot of writing or not, employers always choose the candidates who have the good command over the English.After all, their communication is the crucial part of the image of any organization because nobody wants to sound their brand like a 4th grader. The real fact is that, it’s impossible to completely improve your written and communication skills but in some extent, you can avoid the basic grammar tricks but having the multiple proofread of your documents, especially your resume at the first time.Confusion between they’re, their and thereThis is a very common problem. While writing a doc, we have seen many individuals of being confused between these three words. They sound similar but have the different meanings. They’re stands as the short form of They Are where ‘Their’ refers to something that is owned by the group of individuals, and ‘there’ simply articulates the location.There= LocationTheir= OwnershipThey’re= They areConfusion between It’s vs. ItsAnother confusing word is to identify the difference between It’s and Its which is very common in written documents. It’s” is a short form for “it is” or “it has”, while “its” refers to something that is owned. As with the first tenet, when in doubt, try to reinstate the words with “it is” or “it has” and see if the sentence makes any logic. If it doesn’t, you don’t require an apostrophe.Its= Belongs to itIt’s= It is or it hasConfusion between You’re and YourThis is what you often see in the written docs. But we hope that you got the hang of what we are trying to say because some of the contents are matching from the previous mistak es. “Your” refers to something that you own, while “you’re” is a contraction for “you are”.Your= Belongs to (Which is your car)You’re= you are (you are a good person)By keeping these simple tips in mind you can easily improve your writing and can make a good impression on your recruiters.

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